Trinity Lutheran Church L.I.C./Astoria has opened its building doors again. We have taken safety measures and are strictly following CDC Guidelines as well federal, state and local recommendations to fully protect and support our worshippers while they are in the building during service. 


According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) indoor activities are at a higher risk for COVID-19 spread. With this and our congregants’ safety in mind we have taken proper measurements to ensure that our congregants walk into sanitary space and focus their attention on their worship.  

Safety Measures

We have installed automatic hand sanitizer stations at every entrance, exit and at various locations within the building. Signs to indicate social distancing requirements of 6 feet apart, and have clear entrance only and exit only doors. 

We taped the pews with carpenter's tape to easily restrict the amount of people in one pew and have cordoned off every other pew to maintain proper distance. The restrictions are one person or family unit (up to 6 in the same group) per section. This method restricts both the amount of people during service and the amount of people around you once you are in service. 

  • Congregants must also wear a mask at all times during service and in the building.  

  • Surfaces common areas are cleaned and sanitized before and after church service. 

These are some of the changes you will see during in-person worship: 


Pastor Paul delivers his sermon behind a plexiglass face screen, built by our handyman Gabriel Arras, on the pulpit from where he usually preaches. This allows our Pastor to be heard clearly while he preaches without a mask. 



The congregation will not be singing during service for the time being. We encourage you to continue feeling praises through songs and sing in your hearts. 

William, our Music Director, and one member of the Trinity Choir will be providing music. William playing the piano and organ and choir member singing from a distance. 

Greetings and Peace 

It pains us to not be able to hug each other at the beginning of service during our peace. However, our congregants are the most important people here! And health is a priority at Trinity. As we already did back in March (before lockdown) we will be doing greetings and peace with the peace sign. 

Holy Communion 

Instructions of Holy Communion are included in the bulletin as follows: 

The pastor will commune himself at the altar with both bread and wine. Worshipers will only receive the host. He announces one time, for everyone: The body of Christ, given for you.  He will not speak these words to you individually, so as to practice health safety when in close proximity to each other.

Distribution of Holy Communion

Please carefully observe these safety protocols to receive Holy Communion.

  • Come by way of the center aisle only. Blue tape indicates 6 feet distance from each other.

  • Come forward to the pastor. Offering plates are found to your right and you can place your offering there if you wish. Hand sanitizer is also available for your use. Be aware that LOTS of liquid comes out for both hands.

  • Hold your hands together, making a bowl shape. The pastor will drop the host into your hands without touching you.  Please step to your left or right, AWAY from the pastor and consume the wafer/host prior to returning to your seat.  There will be no speaking during the distribution.


In-person fellowship will not resume and/or congregating in common areas will not resume until further notice. Fellowship has continued through our virtual Zoom worship. 

Worshippers are encouraged to leave the building as soon as worship finishes. 

Virtual Worship 

With all these safety measures put into place, we want to remind our congregation that we are open but can only serve a restrictive number of congregants during in-person worship. We still want to encourage our congregants at the highest risk to remain at home when appropriate. Our Zoom worship is ongoing and permanent. 

Trinity In-person Worship Sundays @10:30 pm

Virtual Worship @12:10 pm


Luisana Santana - Director of Outreach, Trinity Lutheran Church of Astoria & LIC

Luisana Santana